Internet Brands Proves Placement Matters as Video Opportunities Rose by 116%
Internet Brands, a leading digital franchise, saw dramatic results when Primis aided the implementation of a new user experience design.

Internet Brands is a digital media and software company that operates online media, community, e-commerce, and SaaS businesses in vertical markets. In November 2022, Internet Brands signed an exclusivity agreement with Primis to monetize video content across its entire portfolio of over 200 Internet Brands domains with the Primis player on all video placements.

We are committed to providing high-quality video experiences that drive engagement and discovery across our portfolio of sites. We believe that video is a powerful tool that can be used to connect with our users and deliver valuable content. By changing the player's design and placement, we were able to significantly improve the user experience. We are thrilled to be working with Primis, a team that is passionate about user experience and shares our commitment to providing the best possible experience for our users.”
Judson Penumaka General Manager, Ad Product & Operations at Internet Brands
The Challenge
Primis’ support team and account managers noticed the rate at which the video unit was closed by users on Internet Brands domain Motor Authority was increasing and becoming higher than usual. After taking a deeper dive into this issue, it became evident that the video player unit was not catering to the best possible user experience. Motor Authority’s high rate of close of the floating video unit, or what Primis refers to as the float close rate, indicated that the experience users were receiving could be improved upon.
The Solution
The Primis team implemented a better and more native UX design and placement for the video player in float mode to ensure that users could properly enjoy the quality content Internet Brands has to offer. The unit design and placement was changed in order to give the video unit a more organic and native look and feel on the site. The player shifted to a wider aspect ratio and moved to a lower position on the screen, allowing the unit to offer more information without disrupting the site’s contents.

Implementing a better design for the video player, based on the company’s user behavior, had a dramatic impact on performance and user experience. Following the change to the design and location of the float unit, Internet Brands saw striking rises in key metrics. The float close rate decreased by an astounding 84%, successfully falling measurably below the Primis benchmark. The video viewability saw a 27% increase as well, proving that users wanted to watch more video content. Because of the positive impact on user experience, ad opportunities increased by 116% as a result and RPM boosted by 13%. Overall, this shift gave Internet Brands much greater monetization capabilities.